Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting into the swing of things

Due to my continuing hesitation to commit to make a quilt, I have been trying lots of little things, I think to get my confidence up a little. Sometime it takes a little satisfaction in doing something, trying something new and a little challenge, to remember you love creating things, and that you do possess a certain amount of creativity?!
I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but I often feel quite intimidated by all the creative bloggers out there. I love scrolling through their creations and story and am amazed at what they can do.
So I bought a few little kits.
This one is something I love the idea of. Its almost like re-inventing the cross stitch. It is very satisfying to start and finish something soooo quickly! The kits are by Make It, and there are a few more designs like a Babushka (next one on my list), circles and a very cute little owl. Oh and I have just stumbled across the frames sold separately here! Fantastic!

Photo Courtesy of Voodoo Rabbit

It even included a chart for a few different designs and the alphabet and a nice little bundle of threads. I just loved it! Perfect Saturday afternoon, snuggling on the couch, sunshine coming through window and doing a lovely little project for Mothers day. This was the end result...

The "M" isn't very clear, and I'm not quite sure what to do with the edge, but I just love it. Easy, effective and cute. Think the addition of some ribbon and it will be just the right thing to wrap up my Mums' present.

Next cab off the rank was a little more fiddly but so cute. I have been wanting to use this pattern for YEARS! And this week I've had the perfect excuse. My gorgeous cousin is popping home to Australia for 5 days and bringing her gorgeous little family with her. So not only do I have some serious toddler squeezing coming up, I wanted to do a little spoiling. Her twin girls are just divine and a little shy of the tremendous threes. Figured this pattern would be perfect, they just love cats!

Photo courtesy of Melly and Me
They are just the right size for a little lady or two, and last time I saw the girls, they were just transfixed with "Meow Meows".

So luckily, my fabric stash is growing a little and I had quite a few "dress" fabric to choose from. Gosh it was fun just playing with possible combinations! Obviously the ones above didn't quite make it, maybe next time.  

So this is what I ended up with, still a little stuffing to go, with possibly some alterations to the dress (Kitty's are quite slim!) but I love them, hopefully the girls have a new companion and no arguments will follow from different dresses!
(Please excuse the background, was exhausted in front of TV and quickly grabbed a shot!).
I feel like I might have a rhythm going now, going to try something a little trickier... there's a charm pack I've been hesitating on, think it will be time to try that quilt.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fabric collecting is ok!

One thing I have discovered from reading and trawling through blogs of late, is that I am not alone.
My addition is not shameful, although possibly quite restrained!
I love fabric. I love the colours, the textures and the ideas that people come up with, the combination of colours and simple lines that produce something that invokes a reaction and inspiration.

Normally, I will visit my local quilting and fabric shop, A2F. I am spoiled, it is packed to rafters with amazing quilting fabric, patterns, notions and lovely ladies to help even the wackiest questions.
I can no longer dare to venture into a certain chain craft store, as it breaks my heart the disaster that continues to unfold in the terrifying underground store here in Canberra.
But I have been so incredibly surprised by Spotlight.
After getting rid of a large chunk of my fabric stash when I last moved, I've been slowly trying to get a good range of colours to get the inspiration flowing. So when I saw Spotlight was having a sale, I thought it might be worth having "just a look".
Heehee silly silly me!
And was I surprised!! There was a great new quilting range, On the Pond by Sarah Fielke, so fun, so bright and so perfect for all these little bubbas that will soon be entering the world!
 There are a real mix of these Sarah Fielke fabrics, fat quarters were a bargain the day I "popped" in. So many lovely fresh and fun fabrics, that aren't screaming "Baby"! Hopefully, will mean these pressie will be useful for a little longer.
These pink and turquoise ones have a very special bubbas name on it, think will make the cutest dress!
With most of the fabrics, I'm planning on making these fabric divided baskets.

Photo courtesy of Noodlehead.
They are sooo clever, and actually useful. At first I was a little intimidated by them, they looked a little tricky and I was feeling a little rusty, but my first attempt was quite successful, (sorry no photo, they are coming).
Next step, make another six!

Friday, April 12, 2013

New Project

Oh I'm excited! I've just signed up to be part of the Hottie Challenge.
For so long I've wanted to do something different, creative and that was a representation of me in some form, and have I found it!

Curlypops is a blog I've been reading on and off for years. She is incredibly remarkable in her spirit and courage, but also, incredibly clever! I love her amazing use and excitement about actual colour! I often happily rest on her gorgeous fabric designs and try and think of something I could make that would do justice to them. Luckily a very large number of my friends are pregnant at the moment, so I think I will find an opportunity very soon.

So the Hottie Challenge is my first blog co-operative exercise, and its such an amazing cause.
Once the hotties are exhibited, they are sold but also used to raise funds for the Margaret Pratt Foundation. These funds are used to support research into organ transplant, something that should be close to all of our hearts. We never know if we are going to need it, and it isn't spoken about enough.

I'm so excited about creating something that carries on happiness and helps raise awareness being fun at the same time.

So now I just need to come up with an idea... this could be the real challenge.
Thank you Curlypops for getting us all involved!
xx Caro

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Fresh Start

Once upon a time, way back in February 2010, mid-way through a degree and multiple supporting jobs, I had great aspirations to start a blog. Unfortunately life got in the way.

However, fast forward to today, almost February 2013, and after more than a month of re-embracing the blog-o-sphere, I am attempting to start again. Fresh.
In combination with this, I am attempting to embrace creativity in a way I've never really been able to or allowed myself to before. I know myself a little more these days, don't believe that crafty goodness is daggy but a fantastic creative outlet and way of telling a little bit of your own story and impressions of the world, and its reflection on you. Oh and its fun!
So here it goes, I am learning about the art of blogging and love the community it creates. I indulge myself to think I may have some readers of my own soon!

I should also set the scene a little. I live in a lovely leafy suburb of Canberra, Australia. A place that once bored me to tears, now is the only place I want to be. I have recently moved in with my love and am finally getting to play house. Oh it is bliss! Albeit, bliss on a budget!
I have just completed a commerce degree and work as an accountant.... oh I hope I haven't put you to sleep! Before this I worked as an interior designer, ran a small business and lived in the home wares, garden wares and design world. It was everything I dreamed of and everything I dreaded. And unfortunately it just wasn't the right thing for me right then, but my love of design around me continues and now I would like to contribute a little by sharing some little things I discover.
I sew, I embroider, I am going to try to learn to crochet and wish that I could paint.
So I will see where this takes me!
xx Caro